The Zen Run

The last two weeks have been chaotic at best. With school starting and my new job I finding it challenging to get everything jammed into our packed days and this included half marathon training.IMG_3558 I’ve got my eye set on a PR goal and with that comes the constant tracking of pace/miles. But, with this crazy life even that can feel a bit overwhelming and I’m finding myself wanting to just check out mentally and emotionally and my runs are a perfect place.

So, this past Thursday after the morning rush, working all day and seeing kids home, homework finished, chores done, etc. it was time to get in my run. As I was lacing up my shoes and thinking about my route and pace I decided to leave the tracker behind. I knew the distance of the route I was taking and in that moment I just didn’t have the energy to care how fast I went or how long it would take me.

Enter the zen run……

About a year and half ago I went back to running like this on occasion because I found that while I enjoy the company of my running pals, listening to music and tracking my pace/distance I also enjoy the zen of running without all of those things, too. Being able to check out on life during my run enables me to get to a place of peace. It lets my mind wander in thought and then become empty just listening to my feet pounding the pavement and hearing my breathing.

As wonderful as these zen runs can be it can also be challenging. Thursday was just such a run. From the get go I started to regret not bringing music. My legs were tired from hours of standing and my training. My mind was full of all the things I needed to do and I wanted to forget for just a bit. It was hot…. and one and on the struggle went. But, then I thought I should write a blog post about this run. Then it all happened. I became one with the run. Gathering my thoughts of this post, listening to my breathing and my feet. My legs warmed up and before I knew it I was home.

In our deepest of struggles is where we often find our most peaceful moments. This is the zen run for me. That run was not glorious but I felt at peace when it was done. Focused and ready to finish the night and days to come.

Can you remember the last time you set out on a run (or other activity) without a device for music, mileage tracker, buddy, etc? Do you even ever consider going without one or any of those things mentioned?

2 thoughts on “The Zen Run

  1. I knit. Lately, with my shoulder/arm lashed to my body after a rotator surgery I’ve taken to knitting outside because I couldn’t go anywhere else. I chose to knit in the quiet of the late afternoon when the sun is low and the air is cooler. Today I watched a chipmunk fill his cheeks with sunflower seeds. As fast as I could put piles of seeds around, that’s how fast he stole them away for his winter stash. What is zen about this you ask? Like preparing for a marathon, the chipmunk runs back and forth gathering food to sustain him, and I knit one row after another. It’s methodical, rhythmical, and certainly therapeutic. No music is needed when the birds are singing, and my chipmunk was company enough. And if I don’t beat the time line to finish the knitting project? Well, I’ll just keep going and remember today for what it was…zen. Thanks, Kate for helping me to put it in to perspective.


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