My MilKids’ Lives

Every month there are several “Month of ….” and as a society we often find special ways to honor each thing whether it is a cause or history or a person. April is no exception but for me and my family we hold Month of the Military Child close to our hearts. We do this … More My MilKids’ Lives

The Emotions Of Food

Do you use food or drinks to sooth emotions? I know I do!! Especially drinks of the alcohol variety!! Having highly sensitive emotions can be overwhelming and a glass of wine (or 2) helps me calm that those feeling. There is just something about the process from opening the bottle to pouring to taking that … More The Emotions Of Food

Please Don’t Tell My Child He is Crazy For Walking To School!

Where we live children do not walk to school. We have a bus service that picks up every single child in the school district no matter how close they live to the school. Shocked? Yea, we were, too. Even the kid who lives directly across the street (elementary school) rides the bus onto school grounds. … More Please Don’t Tell My Child He is Crazy For Walking To School!

Dear Drivers…..

Dear Drivers, I’m writing this on behalf of all pedestrians and cyclist out there. We need our voices heard and I’m here to tell you what we all think as you pass us without care. Yes, that’s right I said “without care” because as you are driving you pay such little attention to us. But, … More Dear Drivers…..